A savory Mexican dish that can easily be turned into vegetarian by replacing the chicken bouillon for vegetable bullion . The cream tones down the heat...
This is an easy side dish that we can't seem to get enough of once the grill starts firing in the summer. We use one large metal baking dish just for cabbage,...
I created this recipe because raising a family isn't cheap and cabbage is. To make this a one-dish meal, substitute the bacon with a pound of coined Polish...
This recipe for roasted peppers is so easy! Choose any color bell pepper you like, or use a variety of colors for a beautiful presentation to be used in...
An easy, delicious way to use celeriac or even make mashed potatoes a little more exciting. Can make a low fat version by using low fat milk and cutting...
An easy, delicious way to use celeriac or even make mashed potatoes a little more exciting. Can make a low fat version by using low fat milk and cutting...
A savory Mexican dish that can easily be turned into vegetarian by replacing the chicken bouillon for vegetable bullion . The cream tones down the heat...
The latest German import to my potato side dish collection are these soft, comforting dumplings drizzled in browned butter and topped with, sorry, not...
When I was a nanny in Germany, this recipe was one I'd make often for the family. Tender kohlrabi cubes drenched in a creamy white sauce with a hint of...
Living in China, I had to adapt to some foods I hadn't eaten before. Sugar snap peas have become one of my favorites, and while trying new concoctions,...
Living in China, I had to adapt to some foods I hadn't eaten before. Sugar snap peas have become one of my favorites, and while trying new concoctions,...
This is a wonderful recipe that my Aunt Stevie shared with me at my engagement party over 35 years ago! This is a super easy, rather elegant, slightly...
I joke that celery root tastes like celery if celery actually tasted good; for the most part, this is true. The flavor is quite mild and pleasant, and...
I joke that celery root tastes like celery if celery actually tasted good; for the most part, this is true. The flavor is quite mild and pleasant, and...
This easy side dish is a great compliment to any meal. Even the picky eaters will devour this vegetable side. Bacon and balsamic vinegar combine with raw...
I prefer to use baby bok choy for this recipe, but you can also use large bok choy. The cook time is really quick, so have all the ingredients ready before...
These are a delicious side dish (but a rich one), if you don't mind a mildly chiloso (hot) pepper - less than jalapenos. The mellow cheese is the perfect...